Top 5 College Majors if you want to make a lot more money

A lot of people are looking for Majors in college that can generate a higher pay, faster return on investment. If you are interested in STEMs (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering, Math), then you should consider these 5 Majors:

Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medium Salary: $100,000)

This is a life changing career. It helps people with serious illness and injuries to regain their health. It also help healthy people to maintain their healthy status. When you pursue this career, you will learn a lot of disciplines and are exposed to a large and essential industry. When you graduate from college, you are introduced to multiple career options. Specialized in medicines is a main focus, but all the skills you learned in Biology, Chemistry, can also be translated to a Bio-Pharma job, a cosmetic job, a food industry job or a chemical development work.

MISS (Management information systems and statistics) (Medium Salary: $89,000)

MIS can be used in many industries: Accounting, Business, Technologies, Eduction, etc. MIS helps a company become more competitive. Its analysis identifies what is working and what is not. These analysis gives Executives of the company with what they need to make decisions and improve the performance of their employee and business. MISS includes Statistics, which helps people make informed decisions. Government, businesses, organizations all collect statistics to track progress, measure performance, prioritize.

Applied Mathematics (Medium Salary: $85,000)

Applied Mathematics teaches us how to analyze data, identify patterns and develop creative solutions to complex problems. These skills are very important in Healthcare, Finance and Technology, etc. Economy major focuses on utilizing math and statistics to solve problems. This is different from pure math as it requires various set of abilities. Pure math is specialized, while applied math require a much more broader knowledge in a specific area of focus.

Economics (Medium Salary: $85,000)

Our world is changing daily. The study of Economics helps people understand the world around them. It provides people with insights on how our world operates, and it provides governments with the framework on how they can achieve their desired goals. In College, you will learn about supply and demand, taxation, international trade, price control, monetary policy, interest rates, unemployment and inflation, to name just a few.

Statistics and Decision Science (Medium Salary: $84,000)

As the name implied, Statistics and Decision Science major use statistical and math model to solve problems related to business decisions. You will learn about data mining, quantitative analysis, forecasting, six sigma, which is a method to minimize variability and error. This major really prepare you to use Data to confront real-world problems, ranging from disease control to purchasing analysis, from rocket science to animal behavior studies.